Tuesday, April 28, 2015

4.28.15 BF Packing List

Bent's Fort Information/Packing List

How to prepare for fieldwork at Bent’s Fort

When: May 1st
Please be at Renaissance at 8:15am. We will meet by the flagpole.
Depart Renaissance: 8:30 am
Return Renaissance: Estimate 7pm

Daypack list for fieldwork:

Hat or Sunglasses

Extra layer like a sweatshirt and jacket for rain

Water bottle (32 oz.)

Sunscreen, Bug spray or lotion



A healthy sack lunch and 2 healthy snacks

Book, journal, cards, or car game for bus ride
(no electronics)

Pen or Pencil

Clothes to wear:
-Tennis shoes or hiking shoes, something that covers whole foot (Mr. Doug’s rule)
As of today (4/28), the weather for Friday is calling for a high of 81 degrees and partly cloudy. Be prepared for heat!

**Chaperone meeting at 8:00 am. Chaperones, please remember bring a lunch for yourself.

**Arrive at 8:15. We will leave right away at 8:30.

**Pick up from school at 7pm. 

Emails will be sent if there is any change in our arrival time.

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