Thursday, April 9, 2015

4.9.15 Crew News

Calendar Updates:
Apr 20-22 NEW Voyage Date
Apr 23: Day of Rest- No School for 3rd Grade
Apr 24: No School; Teacher Comp Day
Apr 27, 28, 30: Round 2 of PARCC testing
May 1: Fieldwork to Bent's Fort *EXTENDED DAY* Drop off at 8:15am/ pick-up at 7pm
May 13: 3rd Grade Portfolio Presentations


Mark Your Calendars for Expedition Fieldwork to Bent's Fort: Our fieldwork will take place Friday, May 1st. Since it is a bit of a drive, students will need to be dropped off at 8:15am and picked up at 7pm. Please mark your calendars to make arrangements now. Look for a permission slip in this week’s Thursday Folders.

***My apologies for not giving more advanced notice for this trip and the extended day times. Tyler and I ran into some trouble with scheduling and finding a bus. We were hoping to have these dates to you before Spring Break, which unfortunately did not happen. Again, my apologies, as I know this impacts your schedules and Friday night plans.

Welcome back!

It has been so delightful to hear about everyone's adventures and stories from Spring Break. We have spent this week getting started with literature discussion groups, real event writing (also known as personal narrative), and double digit multiplication.
In Expedition, we did looked at a variety of "Mystery Pieces," which include pictures, a variety of items, and a video . Students analyzed, made observations, and asked "thick questions" all related to our topic: Bent's Fort. 

Today students discovered that we will be learning about multiple perspectives and cause & effect through this study. Here are some pictures showing the fun we had with the inquiry process. Be sure to ask your child about their observations and questions.

Analyzing and making observations.

Ha! I just HAD to model all of the mystery piece items. ;)
 Brainstorming questions

Our class "boxing protocol" with notes of observations.
Sorting "thick" and "thin" questions to guide our study

Drumroll please! Here is the title and guiding questions of this expedition.

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