Frequently Asked Questions

What kind of communication should I expect?
Communication is so important!  I will post “Crew News” every Thursday which will provide a brief overview of what we are working on in class. I will send reminder emails to check the blog. PLEASE READ EACH THURSDAY so that you are informed of all important information and announcements. 

Additionally Thursday is the day to check for important paperwork and class-work to be sent home from school (a.k.a. “Thursday Folders”). Please feel free to contact me anytime about questions or concerns. I would be more than happy to find a time to meet with you before or after school for a conference. Communication between home and school is essential to supporting your child’s success. 

Lastly, we will have a crew parent that will be in charge of parent communications from the school and will provide support with facilitating events in the classroom.

What are the classroom norms?
      Our crew will follow the school guidelines for student behavior.
  • You may engage in any behavior that does not create a problem for you or anyone else in the world.
  • If you find yourself with a problem, you may solve it by any means that does not cause a problem for anyone else in the world.
  • You may engage in any behavior that does not jeopardize the safety or learning of yourself or others.  Unkind words and actions will not be tolerated.
What is the schedule?
           School begins at 8:40. Students may come in after the first bell at 8:30. Please have your child to school on time! We hold a morning meeting each morning that builds relationships and community in our classroom. Attendance is very important in our school due to the active participation learning style. The school day ends at 4:00 every-day except Wednesday when it ends at 1:00.
If your child will be absent please call the attendance line at 303.387.8002. Please email me if you have any planned absences so that I can gather work ahead of time.

Here is our daily schedule: <Subject to Change>
                        8:40-9:00 Morning Meeting
9:00-9:55 Math
9:55-10:45 Integrated Arts (This will rotate weekly: art, music theater, PE)
10:45-11:45 Reading
11:45-12:25 Lunch
12:25-12:45 Read Aloud
12:45-2:30 Literacy
2:30-2:40 Health Break
2:35-3:45 Expedition
3:45-4:00 Clean-Up/Closing Circle
What are the pick-up procedures?
                   At listening conferences, I will ask about your daily transportation plans. Please email me to let me know if these plans are changing, and who I should expect to be picking up your child. For safety reasons, students will get into cars in the "kiss and go lane" if their car is first or second. We ask that parents come meet their child before they cross to the parking lot or going up the hill for parking at the park. We will stand in the same place everyday (by the small trees on the grass), so that it is easy to find us.

What are storm dismissal procedures?
                 If you see an orange flag out front, then we students will be operating under storm dismissal. All parents will need to park, walk into the building, and pick up your child from the classroom. This can be a busy time for the office staff, so please let them know who you are picking up when you come in. Storm dismissal is for when there are safety concerns for lightning, tornado warnings, and extreme snowy situations.

What is the homework policy?  
Math: The “Everyday Math” program involves a “Home Link” math homework page, which your child can expect Monday-Thursday. Students who do not engage in this extra practice may quickly fall behind, which is why I will emphasize the importance of completing homework.
    *This homework is designed to be easy and should be a quick review of the concepts taught that day. If your child is having any trouble, please write me a note at the top of the home-links page and I will reteach it the following day.
Reading:  I encourage students to be reading every night. Please build this into your schedule to set a routine.   

What about Birthday Treats?
              We love to acknowledge and celebrate students' birthdays! Please know that treats are not expected, but are welcome. Even if your child chooses not to bring a birthday treat, we will still celebrate and acknowledge his or her birthday. 

            If you would like to bring a treat for your child's birthday, please contact me to let me know what day you would like to bring the treat. Birthday celebrations will be at health break at 2:20 or the end of the day at 3:40. Unfortunately, due to district policy and allergies, I ask that you please bring a store-bought snack.

           HEALTHY TREATS ONLY PLEASE! If you're not sure what to bring or are looking for ideas,  PBS has a great list of some healthy treats for school celebrations!

What is Expeditionary Learning?

    "At the Renaissance Expeditionary Learning Outward Bound School, learning expeditions serve as the primary way of organizing Social Studies and Science curriculum. At Renaissance, the subject matter of a Learning Expedition is derived from Colorado and Douglas County School District content standards. Learning Expeditions feature linked projects that require students to construct deep understanding and skills, and produce products or performances for real audiences. Learning Expeditions engage students in active learning, support literacy, promote character development, create a sense of adventure, spark curiosity, and foster an ethic of service.
    Active and engaged learning foster character by inspiring each student to develop craftsmanship, perseverance, collaborative skills, and responsibility for learning. Critical thinking is also fostered as students are guided in making connections, understanding diverse perspectives, locating evidence for conclusions and generalizing to the big ideas of the discipline studied."

What does this look like for my student?

    Expeditions are divided into case studies; each case study addresses big ideas and concepts through a particular lens. The content becomes the vehicle for understanding big ideas and grappling with open-ended questions. As we progress through the year, I will be uploading and posting resources (including our guiding questions, big ideas, and enduring understandings) here on our crew site. I encourage you to explore these resources and talk about the big ideas with your child. The hope is that students will make connections within and across disciplines in order to make generalizations and apply their learning in new ways.
from wearecrew.org, our school site
Check out the following links that give an overview of the Core Practices and the Design Principles of Expeditionary Learning. These are copied from Expeditionary Learning Core Practices: A vision for improving schools.

Design Principles of Expeditionary Learning

Core Practices of Expeditionary Learning

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