Thursday, January 22, 2015

1/22/15 Crew News

Scholastic Book Orders: Please make all book orders ONLINE (no cash/checks please). Don’t’ worry; it’s super easy! Go to: and register. Our Class Activation Code is GP449.  You can select books and the orders will come directly to our classroom. The best part is that for every book ordered online, we get a FREE book for our class library! Please make your orders before January 25th.

Calendar Updates:
Feb 13: No School; Teacher Professional Development
Feb  16: No School; President's Day
Feb 23-25: Winter Voyage to Keystone
Feb 26: No school for 3rd grade (Day of Rest)

Scientists at work...

Be sure to ask your child about what we are doing in expedition.
More pictures and details coming next week. :)

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