Thursday, January 15, 2015

1.15.15 Crew News


Thursday Folders: Today, a lot of things went home in Thursday Folders. You can check out some of the work that we have been doing with word work, grammar, and main idea. Also there is the math test from Unit 4 that was taken before winter break. After reviewing math tests, please send them back to school, so they can be stored in our assessment notebooks. 

Scholastic Book Orders: Please make all book orders ONLINE (no cash/checks please). Don’t’ worry; it’s super easy! Go to: and register. Our Class Activation Code is GP449.  You can select books and the orders will come directly to our classroom. The best part is that for every book ordered online, we get a FREE book for our class library! Please make your orders before January 25th.

Calendar Updates:
Jan 16: No School (Teacher Professional Development)
Jan 19: No School (MLK Day)
Feb 23-25: Winter Voyage to Keystone
Feb 26: No school for 3rd grade (Day of Rest)

Special Visit 
Last Friday, we had a visitor from Australia! One of the students from Ms. Rowe's class (who we have been skyping about) has been traveling in America, and she came to Castle Rock, specifically to come say hello! 

It was a lot of fun to ask Regina questions and hear about her American adventures. I guess making a snowman was a highlight. :) She brought us bookmarks from her classmates. 

Have you checked out 'The Beat?'
 Every week, a new group of ambassadors run "The Beat."
 There is a lot of movement! Here students are doing an "over-under" relay with balloons.
Birthdays are announced.
 Time to dance and celebrate birthdays.
 This week, we watched the spelling bee for 4th-6th graders.

It is pretty incredible to see students run the all-school meetings every Wednesday. If you haven't gotten a chance, they are Wednesdays at 9am.  

Week at a Glance:
In writing, students revised and edited their All About Me narratives. In reading, we continued working on identifying the main idea of nonfiction text. In expedition, students worked as researchers to find out more about a healthy choice that they want to share with 2nd graders during a health fair. In math, students are developing their understanding of place value.
In word work this week, we talked about synonyms and using more creative word choices in writing. Here are our synonym flowers. :)

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