Thursday, June 4, 2015

6.4.15 Crew News

Last Crew News:

Celebrations & Closure

Quieting the inner critic --  so  important for parents and teachers!

This crew really touched my heart! It has been such a pleasure getting to know your children and helping them grow. When you think back about favorite teachers from your childhood, you remember how they made you feel, more than the specifics about what you learned. I don't want to discount all the amazing learning we did- Bent's Fort, human body, energy & matter, multiplication, and much more- but my hope is that each of my students walks away from 3rd grade remembering how much I believe in them. I hope they will remember to have a growth mindset and that they can do anything they set their mind to. I hope they will hold on to the confidence that they showed during portfolio presentations and never stop believing in themselves. It has been such a wonderful year, and I am so thankful to have shared this journey with them.
~Ms. Lauren

Highlights of our Last Week Together:

*Report Card Conferences- Students were thrilled to compare their beginning of the year work with now and celebrate their growth from this year. Me too! We took special care to write comments that reflected the growth and next steps. These comments are an excellent opportunity to have your child share with you and show you examples from his/her notebooks and black binder. It is amazing to hear students that are so aware and take such ownership of their learning!

*Perspectives Final Projects- To finish our study of perspectives, students identified something that changed their perspective this year. They used creativity to share how their thinking changed. It was fun to hear our students made connections to the ideas of perspectives changing, multiple perspectives, and cause/effect.

*Creative fiction stories- This unit generated so much enthusiasm for writing, and then we ran out of time to finish/share these. Your child is welcome to log into their google account to share what they have with you.

*Piano Songs- My mother (who is visiting from California) played songs during our morning meeting on Tuesday. Music and singing is such a nice way to start the day!

*Packing Room- Wow! I really appreciate students and volunteers helping me take down the room. It made things feel full circle to design the room at the beginning of the year and pack it up at the end.

*Tuesday Fun- Ice cream sundaes and Goldilocks & the Three Bears

*Words of Wisdom- See below!

*Last Day Fun- All School Drum Circle, Perspectives Presentations, Tie- Dye Shirts, and Crew Appreciation Circle.
We are crew!

Words of Wisdom
Throughout the year, we have analyzed inspirational quotes. I asked students to think about all that they have learned about themselves this year and write their own words of wisdom. Here is what they came up with. This absolutely melts my heart!!!

"Be yourself no matter what."
~Charlie R.

"Your friends are the most important thing. Rely on each other."

"Even if you are nervous, you can still be brave."

"You can do anything if you try."
~Aiden P.

"Always appreciate the things you have." 

"Let your fear go."

"Believe in yourself so others can believe in you."

"Have the confidence to do anything."

"Be kind, be happy, and be the best."

"Show imagination with your words and actions."

"When life gives you lemons, don't make lemonade when you can order pizza from just around the block."

"Don't call yourself ugly, call yourself a beautiful monkey."

"Be yourself no matter what happens or when."

"Be the person you want to show the world."

Be kind and be the best person you can."

"Don't let something get in your way."

"Be yourself. Everyone else is already taken."
~Adin S.

"Don't let your fear take control. Take control over your fear."

"Help people."
~Charlie V.

"Be nice and kind to others even when things are bad."

"Always do what you have to do and then enjoy your life."

"Water does not always cheer you up. Maybe watermelon can."

"When life gives you lemons, you can't make lemonade because you don't know sugar or water."

Here are some suggestions for over the summer:
*Read lots of great books! (Audio or text). Mix it up with reading with an adult, to a sibling, or independently.
-Khan Academy is an online resource that students can use to keep practicing grade appropriate skills.
*Practice multiplication facts. 4th grade teachers have told me that they loose almost all their fact memorization over the summer.

Go outside. Play. Be creative. Make memories. Have fun!

On a personal note... exciting news! I will be teaching kindergarten next year! I am thrilled! :)

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