Monday, June 1, 2015

6.1.15 Monday Fun!

Announcements for tomorrow (Tuesday):

Bring a backpack : Students will need a backpack tomorrow to bring home their notebooks, math journals, and black binder.

Ice cream Sundae Social: A huge thanks in advance to all the parents who are sending items in! :)

Movie Afternoon: Ms. Chelsea loaned us a movie from Shelley Duvall's Faerie Tale Theater to watch at the end of the day. Students may bring ONE item to snuggle with (pillow, blanket, or stuffed animal).

Tie Dye Fun...
A HUGE thank you to Jenny for donating all the supplies, and a HUGE thank you to Jody, Trang, Lora, Jennifer, Brandy, Jody, and Brianna for volunteering!

Tips for parents at home:
-Keep the shirt in the bag for at least 6 hours after school. -Before Wednesday, USE THE GLOVES that are in the bag with the shirt. Rinse the shirt very well in cold water in a sink (this can be messy and the dye will stain hands if you don’t wear gloves). -After rinsing well, wash and dry the shirt by itself in the washer/dryer with a little soap. -Have your child WEAR their shirt to school on Wednesday.


We had fun with the red carpet today. :)

 The Most Famous Third Grade Teacher You Have Ever Met
No pictures please... ;)

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