Thursday, May 28, 2015

5.28.15 Crew News


Teacher appreciation: Thank you so much for all the kind words and thoughtful acts during the past month. Our school really goes above and beyond in making teachers feel appreciated! THANK YOU! 

Also, on a personal note, my triathlon has been postponed to mid-June. It was suppose to be this Saturday. It is my first one, so I have anxiously been counting it down. It has been neat to share my stories of pushing myself outside my comfort zone with the kids. Bummer that that our rainy weather was not cooperating for trail conditions. If you don't mind, I will send out an email for you to share with the crew about how it went. They have been so supportive! :)

Calendar Updates: 
June 3: Last Day of Third Grade!
June 4: Report cards sent via email
Make sure you check out the Weekly Renaissance ELOB Newletter that has important dates for next year!

Report Card Comments...
This year, I want to involve students in writing their comments for their process reports. This week and next, I will meet with each student to review areas of growth and challenge in third grade.  To prepare for their conference with me, students analyzed work samples from throughout the year, and they reflected on learning that they are most proud of. 

Ultimately, this will prepare students to share their progress report with YOU. By having more student collaboration, this will make this document more meaningful and increase student ownership of their progress report. 

We are wrapping up our units of study. In math, we are concluding a unit of fractions and division. In reading, we are doing a final round of literature discussion groups. In writing, students are writing creative fiction stories. For expedition, we have been thinking of our other's perspectives and how we can apply what we have learned to our own lives.

As an authentic opportunity for collaboration, our third graders interviewed Ms. Kathy's kindergarten crew about their first overnight voyage to Camp Elim. It was so much fun to see our kids show empathy and support when video-recording their responses. 

Later during our debrief, students were able to make connections about similar perspectives they had or differences. This all supports the idea that there are multiple perspectives, perspectives can change, and perspectives influence actions/relationships.

 Reading buddies after the interview

Our 3rd graders sent some encouragement to the 6th graders for their portfolio presentations on Wednesday. Their kindness was much appreciated!

Thursday, May 21, 2015

5.21.15 Crew News


YEARBOOKS: If you ordered a yearbook, it went home in Thursday Folders today. If you would like to purchase one, the office has a few extras. $20 Cash or Check

Calendar Updates: 

May 25: Memorial Day/ No School
May 26: Dress like a superhero day!
June 3: Last Day of Third Grade!
June 4: Report cards sent via email
Make sure you check out the Weekly Renaissance ELOB Newletter that has important dates for next year!

Perspectives Change...
Students were shocked to find out what followed the peaceful times at Bent's Fort. We created a timeline to track the following events about the Gold Rush, Bent's Fort, the Treaty of Fort Wise, Cheyenne "dog soldiers" fighting back, and then the Sand Creek Massacre. We are building knowledge about these events to analyze how perspectives and actions changed. 
Students traveled does the timeline...

When revisiting the guiding questions, students have made some great progress into thinking deeply about multiple perspectives and how perspectives influence actions.

Guiding Questions:
1. What makes a perspective?
2. What might cause a perspective to change?
3. In what ways does cause and effect impact actions and relationships?

Hand prints: A Renaissance Tradition...

Every May, students put a hand print on their drum to mark the passing of a school year. It is hard to believe that my time with this wonderful crew is coming to an end! The following pictures warm my heart... :)

Thursday, May 14, 2015

5.14.15 Crew News


Portfolio Panel Sign-ups
You got to see your child before and after portfolio presentations... Want to know what it is like during the presentation? Please consider being a sixth grade panelist!
This is an experience that is unique to REMS and is a wonderful growth opportunity for our students. Particularly for sixth graders, as it is their last year at Renaissance, it is a very meaningful ritual. Sign up to be on a 6th grade portfolio panel here.

Scholastic Book Orders: Please make all book orders ONLINE (no cash/checks please). Don’t’ worry; it’s super easy! Go to: and register. Our Class Activation Code is GP449.  You can select books and the orders will come directly to our classroom. The best part is that for every book ordered online, we get a FREE book for our class library! Please make your orders tonight (May 14th)  so that we can be sure to get books before the end of the year. This is a great way to purchase summer reads!

Calendar Updates: May 25: Memorial Day/ No School
June 3: Last Day of Third Grade!

Portfolio Presentations...

Congratulations on a job well done!

What a tremendous sense of pride and accomplishment our crew felt today! I have heard nothing but great feedback from the panels. They were so impressed with how thorough students were able to speak to their learning and growth.
We spent some time reflecting about this experience. When asked what they learned about themselves or learned from this experience, here were some of their thoughts:
-if you're nervous, you can still do your best
-it's fun to share your learning
-if you're prepared for something, it will go very smoothly
-don't be scared to share something you are proud of
-be confident
-it was fun!
-even if you are nervous, it might just be fun
-I enjoyed sharing my portfolio!
-I can share my learning with an unknown audience
-I can make others laugh
-I want to remember eye contact and no filler words when presenting
-be descriptive
-it's okay to be nervous
-it gets easier once you get started
-be open to meeting new people and they (the panelists) might even become your friends
-My panel noticed the voice in my writing
-think positive
-a good attitude helps
-Be confident, have fun, and eat cake!
-"You can do anything you set your mind to!"
These are great take-aways for students to remember for future obstacles. What great life lessons, self empowerment, presentation skills with technology, and pride in learning. It is so amazing what these 3rd graders are capable of!

I am incredibly proud. They worked so hard. I could not be more pleased!!!

Students worked hard to prepare! 

Here were their last minute reminders to each other.

Here are some pictures of the post-presentation smiles:

They definitely came "dressed for success."

Ear-to-ear smiles after their presentations

And of course! Cake to celebrate!

I am one proud teacher!
Thanks for the love!
Students reflected on this experience by creating something. Some chose to do art, while others chose digital. This was a great way to process and debrief this whole experience. :)

Presentation Letters went home today in Thursday Folders. Please take a moment to read and celebrate with your child. So proud!!!

Thursday, May 7, 2015

5.7.15 Crew News


All Library Book DUE next Thursday 5/14
Please make sure all library books are returned next week. It is a great help to Ms. Diana if they are returned on time, so that she does not have to email and call you to track books down. Thanks for your help!
Portfolio Panel Sign-ups
Third grade is a showcase portfolio year, and we will need panelists! Unfortunately, third grade parents cannot be on the third grade panels. However, you can sign up to be on the sixth grade panels. Please consider signing up! This is an experience that is unique to REMS and is a wonderful growth opportunity for our students. Particularly for sixth graders, as it is their last year at Renaissance, it is a very meaningful ritual. Sign up to be on a 6th grade portfolio panel here.

Scholastic Book Orders: Please make all book orders ONLINE (no cash/checks please). Don’t’ worry; it’s super easy! Go to: and register. Our Class Activation Code is GP449.  You can select books and the orders will come directly to our classroom. The best part is that for every book ordered online, we get a FREE book for our class library! Please make your orders before May 14th  so that we can be sure to get books before the end of the year. This is a great way to purchase summer reads!

Calendar Updates:
May 13: 3rd Grade Portfolio Presentations
May 25: Memorial Day/ No School
June 3: Last Day of Third Grade!

Getting Ready for Portfolio Presentations...
We have been doing a lot to prepare for portfolio presentations next week! Tyler and I modeled a presentation, so that students would feel more comfortable with knowing what is expected of them. We have reviewed the rubric they will be assessed on and brainstormed questions that might be asked. 

Tomorrow, some 4th graders are coming to visit (that were in my crew last year) to share about their experiences. It is always good for kids to hear it from other kids what this experience is like. 

 Students have selected the work that they would like to share. Then, they practiced what they wanted to share by themselves, and tomorrow they will practice with a partner. 

The kids have a lot of their portfolios set up. We are still working on our culture and integrated arts reflections. To help with preparation for portfolios, please ask the following questions and discuss responses. This will help them analyze their year and evaluate growth, and it will help them be successful during their presentation. Think of how adults practice for interviews. The kids need practice with portfolios. (They can access their ePortfolio by logging onto their Google Account--directions at the bottom my resources page). They will present something from expedition, IAs, adventure education, culture, and their "all about me" or  their "dear future me." 

How have you grown as a learner?

What was challenging about ________ and why?

What was the hardest thing during ___________? What did you do to accomplish it?

When you're struggling, how do you move forward?

It may be helpful to have some more background that you can refer to. Below are expeditions we have studied and they should be used to answer the questions above. 

Matter - Background: We looked at different parts affect a system. Heat changes matter from one form to another: Liquid, solid, and gas. Solar ovens trapped heat, and adding parts to the solar oven changed the heat. The creative process helped us improve our solar ovens because we received feedback and made changes. 

Human Body - Background: We all have systems, and each system works with other systems. Describe a system you learned about and how it works with other systems. The choices we make affect the systems. If I were to not wash my hands, my immune system would become overwhelmed. Students communicated this information to 2nd graders. How did you grow with communication?

Bent's Fort - Background: We are currently studying Bent's Fort so we can learn about perspectives. We have been noticing how mountain men, traders, craftsmen, Native Americans, and soldiers all worked with each other for a common good. 

As a learner: Have a conversation about mindsets. When do your kids have a growth or fixed mindset? We all have fixed mindsets at times, and over time we can change our views. A fixed mindset thinks that people are naturally good at things, and if you don't meet those characteristics, then you'll never be great. A growth mindset knows that we can get better with practice. Michael Jordan is a great example of someone who has a growth mindset. (Over spring break, our staff read the book Mindset by Carol Dweck. 
I highly recommend this book! We have begun using the language of mindsets schoolwide. Click here if you would an overview of the mindsets.)

Highlights from Teacher Appreciation 
 A big thank you to Vanessa, our crew parent,  for decorating my door!
 Check out our hallway! 
Thank you for honoring me as a superhero!