Thursday, March 5, 2015

3.5.15 Crew News

Calendar Updates:
Mar 9-13: PARCC State Standardized Testing
Mar 11: 4:00-7:00pm Life is Art Artist Edition (Family Friendly Free Event to look at student art work)
Mar 14: 6pm Life is Art (Adults Only Fundraiser)
Mar 18-19: 3rd grade Student Led Conferences
Mar 23-Apr 3 Spring Break
Apr 6: No School- Teacher Work Day (This is different than other schools in the district)
Apr 7: Students return from Spring Break
Apr 20-22 NEW Voyage Date
Apr 23: Day of Rest- No School for 3rd Grade
Apr 24: No School; Teacher Comp Day


PARRC Testing Next Week:
-We will be doing state standardized testing next Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday in the morning and afternoon. Please make sure that your child is at school on time in the mornings. Did you get a chance to hear Ms. Deborah's thoughts on PARCC? Here is her blog.

Student Led Conferences: 
-Third Grade will be holding their student led conferences the week before Spring Break.  This will be a great way to celebrate student learning and see what we have been doing in the classroom. Please sign up for a conference.
Password: crew

LIFE IS ART: Have you gotten your tickets for March 14th? 
Here is a personal plug. :) Renaissance has done lots of fundraisers in the past, but we have narrowed it down to two big ones: Bootcamp and Life is Art. The parent committee who runs LIA has done such a fabulous job with making this a FUN event that really makes a difference in our classrooms. For example, this is the FIRST year I have had my own computer cart (with brand new Chrome Books!!!). Last year, 3rd grade had to share one cart, and before that, we had to share carts with multiple grades. This has been AMAZING! It gives us SO much more access to technology and teaching 21st century skills. I can't say enough how much I enjoy this event, and I hope to see all of you there.

Life is Art tickets are on SALE now! Tickets can be purchased here. Get them before the price goes up after March 6th. There is a prize for the most students in attendance per crew. As of last week, we only had ONE TICKET sold. 

Spring Climbing: Our crew will be climbing the week of March 16th. The more belayers we have, the more climbing students get to do! Hope to see you there!

Scholastic Book OrdersPlease make all book orders ONLINE (no cash/checks please). Don’t’ worry; it’s super easy! Go to: and register. Our Class Activation Code is GP449.  You can select books and the orders will come directly to our classroom. The best part is that for every book ordered online, we get a FREE book for our class library! Please make your orders before March 9th so they can get to you before Spring Break.

Health Fair
After weeks of preparation, revision, and practice, TODAY was the big day! Students did a FABULOUS job! It was exciting to hear students share their expertise with the second graders. Facts about healthy choices and how it connected to a body system provided more insight about the science behind healthy choices. The interactive activities were engaging and a fun way to get the audience involved. Students spoke confidently with a loud, clear voice. Pace and eye contact showed comfort and ease in communicating. You could tell how much learning and preparation went into this! What an exciting way to end this unit! 

Teachers who passed by remarked on how impressed they were with the quality of the posters, their depth of knowledge, and their oral presentation skills. Afterwards, our crew was beaming with pride. I was too!!!

Please ask your child to share with you all about it!

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