Thursday, December 4, 2014

12.4.14 Crew News


Volunteers Welcome!
Just a reminder for those of you that our interested in helping out in the classroom. We have slots available from now until the end of the year. Please click on the link below to view the online sign up sheet. It is okay if you can only be there for part of the block of time.
To sign up, go to:

Repost from Monday's Email:

Calling for Chaperones and Volunteers: I am looking for volunteers for our fieldwork on January 8th and chaperones for our winter voyage to Keystone Science School on Feb 23-25th. If you are interested, please sign up here by 12/12/14. I will do a lottery and give final confirmation the week of the 15th. Thanks!

New Homework Policy: 
  • Students will not return the homework to school. Instead, I encourage parents to check their students work and have a discussion about their answers. (They brought home the Unit 4 Family Letter that has the answers in it today).
  • Students should be able to complete the homework independently. They might need clarification, but they should be able to complete most homework assignments by themselves. 
  • If you notice that your child is struggling, please have your child bring in the homework with a note that they need extra help with this concept. 
For more information on everyday math homework, please click here: Everyday Math 3rd Grade Information. We just began Unit 4 on Multiplication/Division.

Calendar Updates: 
Dec 19: School in session (this is different than other schools in the district)
               Report Cards sent home
Dec 20-Jan 5: Winter Break/Jan 5th is a Teacher work day 
(this is different than other schools in the district)
Jan 6: Students return to school

Learning More about the Muscular System
Last week, we had the privilege of having an expert speaker come talk to us about muscles, fitness, and healthy choices. It was a fun, interactive lesson!
 Getting our blood moving!
 A visual of bones, tendons, muscles, and connective tissue.
 She even got the teachers sweating! :)
 Some exercises are better than other.
We learned about healthy choices for exercise and eating.

 Building Models of the Respiratory System
Today we made a working model of how the muscle, the diaphragm, controls breathing in (inflating your lungs) and breathing out (deflating your lungs).  

Students should be able to tell you all about the respiratory system from beginning to end. Ask them to use words such as the trachea, bronchial tubes, alveoli, and diaphragm.

The Hour of Code

Next week, we will be joining 11 million others in the Hour of Code. It is a worldwide effort to teach computer programming concepts and computational skills to people of all ages. Through games and interactive lessons, students will be learning how to code! Check out the website for more information. Students are welcome to work on this at home!

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