Thursday, November 20, 2014

11.19.14 Crew News


Volunteers Welcome!
Just a reminder for those of you that our interested in helping out in the classroom. We have slots available from now until the end of the year. Please click on the link below to view the online sign up sheet. It is okay if you can only be there for part of the block of time.
To sign up, go to:

Group Pictures
The crew picture and retakes went home in Thursday Folders today. There are a couple of extras at the front office if you are interested in purchasing one. :)

From Mr. Doug: 
Hello all,
It is officially the gift giving season.  If your child wants cup stacking equipment or you would like to get someone else hooked on stacking there is a group order now open.  You can go to the speed stacks website, click on group order and then choose Colorado and Renaissance from the drop down menus, or use the link included and then use the drop down menus.  
Thanks for everything, and cups will be here before winter break.  I will assume all cups will be gifts and will let you know how to pick them up discretely, or let me know if I can deliver them to your child.
Thanks again for all your support.       

Doug Baker

Calendar Updates: 
Nov 26-28: No School; Thanksgiving HolidayDec 19: School in session (this is different than other schools in the district)
               Report Cards sent home
Dec 20-Jan 5: Winter Break/Jan 5th is a Teacher work day 
(this is different than other schools in the district)
Jan 6: Students return to school

Skyping with our Australian Buddies!
The room was buzzing with excitement on Tuesday afternoon, when we got to Skype with Ms. Rowe's Class in Australia. Students have been paired up, so that they each have one buddy that they will be connecting with. Buddies got to meet face-to-face to introduce themselves, tell about their family, and share an interest. How fun!

Launching our new expedition: 
The Human Body and Healthy Choices

Last week, we began our new expedition. To get the students excited, we did a "zoom" protocol, where they would see pictures zoomed in, and they would have to record their thinking about what they see and think. Then they would see the picture zoomed out a little bit. And again. And finally, they would see the whole picture. This was a fun way to get them thinking about our new expedition.

Here is an example:

By the time, we were done, students were all guessing that our topic was about the human body and making healthy choices. They were right!

Our guiding questions are:
~How do parts impact the human body?
~How do relationships and connections affect wellness?

The Big Ideas are:
~People make choices; the choices people make impact their health and wellness.
~The body is made of systems (parts that work together) that need to be kept safe and healthy.
We began our study with the SKELETAL SYSTEM.
Ask your child to tell you about how the skeletal system impacts the body. It has been a great week to be P.E. Students have made a lot of connections between our expedition and the choices made in climbing.

Next up is the Muscular System!

Re-Arranging our Learning Space
We took some time to rethink our learning space, and we have made some big shifts! How fun to try something new that will suit the preferences of our learners! :)

RAKtivism= performing random acts of kindness

Students decided to write thank you notes to all the kitchen helpers to thank them for all their hard work during the Family Feast. They gave this poster of notes first thing this morning, and they were very touched. How sweet! :)

Climbing has been a HUGE success!

A BIG THANK YOU to all the volunteers who helped belay students!
What a great week of climbing! I have heard so many personal celebrations and victories. Adventure education is such a wonderful opportunity for students to push themselves outside their comfort zone, challenge themselves, and gain confidence from their accomplishments. It also was great to listen to students cheering for each other, which is a great testament the feeling of community or "crew." Reflecting is another important part of Adventure Education, and I look forward to listening and reading about what students have learned about themselves or taken away from their time in climbing. 
Hints at Home: What goals did you have? How did you do on your goals? How did you handle a challenge? What are you proud of? What did you learn about yourself? How can you apply this to other situations in the classroom or in your life?

Thursday, November 13, 2014

11.13.14 Crew News


Climbing is next week!
Our crew will take will climb the week of November 5th from 9:55-10:45am. Sign-ups for belayers, trainings, and refreshers are available at under Mr. Doug's
The more volunteers we have, the more climbing students get to do!

Book FairThe Renaissance Book Fair is next week November 17th! Students will get to preview the fair, so they will come home excited. Also, there will be a class wish list, so feel free to donate some great reads to our classroom library. :)

Thanksgiving Family Feast on Thursday, November 20th*: Renaissance would like to invite families to join us for our Thanksgiving Family Feast on Thursday, November 20th.  If you would like to join your student(s) for lunch, please complete the online Thanksgiving Feast Sign Up by November 17th so Ms. Zina knows how much food to prepare.  Lunch schedules on this day are unique; sign up for the crew you will eat with and enter the quantity of guest joining us at that time.
 Our lunch will be at a different time: 12:50-1:15.

*The November lunch menu shows the Thanksgiving Feast on Wednesday, Nov. 19th.  Due to our half-day, we are swapping the lunch menu for the 19th and 20th.

Calendar Updates: 
Week of Nov 17th: Book Fair (Tuesday is Family Night 4-7:30)
Week of Nov 17th: Climbing in Gym Have you signed up to belay?
Nov 20: Thanksgiving Family Feast
Nov 26-28: No School; Thanksgiving Holiday 

So Many Exciting Things Going On In Our Classroom!

Creating Video Clips

Remember how we are connecting with a class from Australia? Well Ms. Rowe and I thought it would be fun to send an "Introductory" video to introduce ourselves. When I asked our class, what would be important for Ms. Rowe's class to know about us, they came up with some interesting answers: our schedule, our school, animals we see, and holidays we celebrate. OK! So I let them write and perform skits to share some information about these topics. 

After break, we watched the videos and noticed that they could be improved. We discussed having enough details to have a clear message, speaking with fluency in an oral presentation, and giving a good cultural impression. (This all tied beautifully to the 21st Century Skill: Communication by the way! And what an authentic way to practice these skills- for a REAL audience.)

Here is our final product:

We will be partnering all students with an Australian buddy, who they will get to meet NEXT TUESDAY when we skype! :)

Reflections in Expedition

Students have been working hard on their solar oven reflections. In three paragraphs, they reflected on the following:

Question #1: Connect your learning from this expedition to solar ovens. You might include your learning about matter, energy, or the greenhouse effect.

Question #2: Connect your solar oven to the idea of systems. Talk about how your solar oven is a system with parts. Why did you use those parts? 

Question #3: Reflect on how you used the creative process. What feedback did you get? Did you use that feedback? Why is revision important? 

I am super impressed with their connections, effort, and transfer of the writing skills we have been working on with factual description. These are proudly posted on our student work wall. You are welcome to swing by and check them out. Bravo!

Student Blogs

Speaking of writing, we FINALLY got our blogs rolling this week. It is a learning process, as we figure out how to personalize themes, create posts, and comment.

You are welcome to view and comment on student blogs!

For parents and families who want to visit:
Password: crew

  • Mrs. Lauren's Crew 2014-2
  • Adin's Blog
  • Aiden's
  • Alyssa's Blog
  • Carter's Blog
  • Charlie's Blog
  • Charlie's Blog
  • Cheyenne's Blog
  • Cutter's Blog
  • Dan-Anh's Blog
  • Ethan's Blog
  • Guy's Blog
  • Henry's Blog
  • JJ's Blog
  • Kaden's Blog
  • Kami's Blog
  • Kelby's Blog
  • Logan's Blog
  • Mira's Blog
  • Natalie's Blog
  • Nathan's Blog
  • Rachel's Blog
  • Roy's Blog
  • Rylan's Blog
  • Tessa's Blog
  • Tristan's Blog
  • Vitorio's Blog

  • For students who want to log in:
    Username: laurenmg0 
    (first name, middle initial, last initial, math number) 
    Password: Dcsdxxxxxxx (lunch number)

    Some information about these blogs:
    *These blogs are password protected from outside visitors. The password will be shared with you and our Australian buddies.
    *All posts and comments must be approved (by me) before they are visible on blogs.
    *All students must follow our guidelines/expectations for blogging that we have agreed upon as a crew.

    We have talked about the purpose of our blogs as a communication tool to
    EXPRESS INDIVIDUALITY by sharing thoughts, stories, and opinions and to 
    COMMUNICATE with a broader audience.

    --This information will also be available on the RESOURCES page for reference.--

    Hands-On Math

    Students have been using a lot of math tools in this unit. They have been practicing measurement skills with rulers, yard sticks, and meter sticks.

    To explore perimeter and area, students used geoboards, pattern blocks, and measured strips of paper.

    TIPS FOR HOME: Can you please check in with your child about measuring to the nearest half inch, quarter inch, and half centimeter? Also review questions such as:
    -How many inches in a foot? (12)
    -How many feet in a yard? (3)
    -How many inches in a yard? (36)
    -How many inches in 5 feet? (60)
    -How many millimeters in a centimeter? (10)
    -How many centimeters in a decimeter? (10)
    -How many centimeters in a meter? (100)
    ***Measurement and the language of measurement can be tricky if you do not use it very often!

    Thursday, November 6, 2014

    11.6.14 Crew News


    Thank you for coming to student led conferences! It is such a great occasion to celebrate growth and set goals. It increases student ownership and momentum with their learning. Today, students were gushing about how proud they felt! :)

    Thanksgiving Family Feast on Thursday, November 20th*. Renaissance would like to invite families to join us for our Thanksgiving Family Feast on Thursday, November 20th.  If you would like to join your student(s) for lunch, please complete the online Thanksgiving Feast Sign Up by November 17th so Ms. Zina knows how much food to prepare.  Lunch schedules on this day are unique; sign up for the crew you will eat with and enter the quantity of guest joining us at that time.
     Our lunch will be at a different time: 12:50-1:15.

    *The November lunch menu shows the Thanksgiving Feast on Wednesday, Nov. 19th.  Due to our half-day, we are swapping the lunch menu for the 19th and 20th.

    Calendar Updates: 
    Nov 4: No School; Teacher Professional Development
    Week of Nov 17th: Book Fair (Tuesday is Family Night 4-7:30)
    Week of Nov 17th: Climbing in Gym Have you signed up to belay?
    Nov 20: Thanksgiving Family Feast
    Nov 26-28: No School; Thanksgiving Holiday

    Solar Ovens

    Students have loved using the creative process to design a system to trap heat.  The creative process has been key to generate ideas, refine ideas, use creative production (build their solar oven), reflect & use feedback to improve their design, and work collaboratively with each other.

    I was impressed with how students embraced the PROCESS in which they had to persevere with challenges and be flexible in their thinking when it did not go well the first time. We will be able to make a lot of connections to this process throughout the year, as it is a great attitude of thinking and life-lesson.

    Many students were successful in trapping heat and having a higher-temperature inside their oven than outside. Be sure to ask your child how it went!

    Happy Halloween!

    We had a SPOOK-tacular Halloween celebration! A BIG THANK YOU to all who donated food, dropped by, and contributed to this fun morning. It was a blast!

    Also a big thank you to Trang for sharing her pictures! :)