Halloween at Renaissance
All students come to school in their costume and must bring a change of clothes to put on after the morning festivities.
We will have an all-student parade for parents and crews to enjoy at 9:00am. The parade will take about 15 minutes. The parade will be outside in the OLE(Outdoor Learning Environment), walking through the amphitheater.
All students come to school in their costume and must bring a change of clothes to put on after the morning festivities.
We will have an all-student parade for parents and crews to enjoy at 9:00am. The parade will take about 15 minutes. The parade will be outside in the OLE(Outdoor Learning Environment), walking through the amphitheater.
Feel free to come watch! :)
Parents are welcome to wait outside (or by the office) after drop off, until the parade starts.
We will have 'breakfast festivities' in our classrooms following the parade, and you are welcome to hang out.
If you are choosing to keep your students home for the morning, please call the attendance line so that we can excuse them, 303-387-8002.
We will have 'breakfast festivities' in our classrooms following the parade, and you are welcome to hang out.
If you are choosing to keep your students home for the morning, please call the attendance line so that we can excuse them, 303-387-8002.
Have you signed up for Student Led Conferences? Our crew will be holding our student led conferences next Wednesday and Thursday (November 5th and 6th). Please sign up for a conference. If these times do not work for you, please let me know, and we can figure out another time. 60B0A4AA8AE2A1-student3/
password: crew
password: crew
Calendar Updates:
Nov 4: No School; Teacher Professional Development
Week of Nov 17th: Book Fair (Tuesday is Family Night 4-7:30)
Nov 26-28: No School; Thanksgiving Holiday
Have you heard about our RAKtivism?
This week, our crew began talking about random acts of kindness. We did "Stickie-Note Kindness" where the students wrote positive notes for others. They voted to leave these notes on the desks on all the sixth graders (when they were out of the classroom). It was really sweet! The kids LOVED it, and we talked about how good it feels to be in the service of others!
I would like to do more random acts of kindness and service for others. If you have ties or connections to organizations or projects (ex. nursing home, Habitat for Humanity, animal shelter, Coats for Colorado, and so on), I would love to hear about it. :)
This week, I am cutting short my crew news in anticipation of student led conferences. We have been doing some great thinking and learning, that the kids are very excited to share with you. We will see you next week!